Six (6) Ways to have a sound and comfortable night sleep

Six (6) Ways to have a sound and comfortable night sleep

Sleep is a vital aspect of healthy living; it allows your mind and body to recharge, giving you that feeling of freshness and alertness. Because of a lack of sound sleep, many people find it difficult to stop being anxious or worrisome in their day-to-day lives. A good night’s sleep also keeps the body healthy and prevents diseases. However, sometimes, having a sound sleep at night can be difficult. Research has shown that stress and over-thinking are significant contributors to a lack of good sleep. This can gradually lead to a severe condition known as Hyper-arousal. Hyper-arousal is when the mind and body find it difficult to enter a state of rest. 

Other causes of sleep deprivation or a lack of sound sleep include an irregular bedtime schedule, an uncomfortable sleeping mattress, playing video games, watching TV, smartphones, or other screens just before bed, and eating too late. Additional causes include mental problems and high alcohol intake.

If you find it challenging to have a sound sleep or you are going through sleep deprivation, here are six ways to improve your sleep habits:

  • Creating a better pre-bedtime activity can be in the form of a warm bath, reading or listening to soft music before bedtime. Soft music that matches the heart rate is very effective. Setting the right mood with relaxing music before going to bed does not only improve your sleeping habit. It is also known to improve memory and problem-solving ability during waking hours. 


  • Avoid eating heavy meals and beverages before going to bed. People living through the hustle and bustle of big cities are incredibly guilty of this. After a long day, the muscles required to digest your meals and beverages need adequate rest, just as your body and mind do. Having his muscles work overtime can make it challenging to have the required sound sleep you deserve.


  • Create and follow a steady bedtime schedule. Having a schedule and keeping to it is vital for a night of better sleep. Also, bear in mind that a healthy grown-up should have at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. So to create a better sleep schedule, go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Also, try to keep the time difference between weeknights and weekends to no more than an hour.


  • Naps should be avoided or limited. Napping during the day has been known to affect people’s sleep cycles during the night. Although this is not a general phenomenon, it is often preferable to save your nap time for nighttime, when your mind and body are wired to sleep.



  • Stop nicotine intake and limit alcohol and caffeine usage. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that have been scientifically proven to impact sleep time and pattern adversely, and it could even lead to insomnia and hyper-arousals in extreme cases. You need to avoid both substances if you have any chances of having a deep, comfortable and sound sleep.

How have you improved your sleep time? Tell us in the comment session below.